Resolution #1


2021 Resolution #1: Regarding Compensation to Deacons

Secretary of the Convention

Last Update: June 10th, 2021
Status: In Review by the Committee on Resolutions

Amendment to Resolution Establishing Minimum Clergy Compensation
Regarding Compensation to Deacons

ResolvedThat the 172nd Convention of the Diocese of California request each parish with a serving deacon to pay $25 minimum a month to their deacon as remuneration, and that each such parish also make the required contribution to the Church Pension Fund for the benefit of the deacon; and

ResolvedThat the 172nd Annual convention will include this along with other subsequent conventions add this addition to the part of the  minimum clergy compensation resolution passed each year. 

Deacons in the Episcopal Church in California serve in their parish and diocesan positions as deacons without remuneration. The Church Pension Fund provides resources for clergy and lay employees of churches in the Episcopal Church. One of the resources is CREDO, a wellness resource, that helps both active and retired clergy pension plan participants by presenting a holistic approach to wellness for mind, body, spirit, and heart. Participants examine and evaluate their health and wellness from the spiritual, vocational, physical and emotional health and financial points of view. The Church Pension Fund also provides pension and retirement savings plans, health benefits, and educational services. At recent conferences, representatives of the Church Pension Fund have stated that if deacons were paid a nominal amount, the deacons would be eligible for these benefits. This proposed amendment asks that congregations make such a nominal payment of $25 a month to deacons, as well as a payment of 18% ($4.50) to the Church Pension Fund to enable them to participate in the programs and benefits available through the Church Pension Fund.

This resolution was patterned after passed resolutions by the Diocese of Vermont and New York.

Submitted by
The Rev. Jon Owens

Endorsed by
The Ven. Cn. Nina Pickerrell
The Ven. Dorothy Jones
The Rev. Walter Ramsey
The Rev. Jennifer Nelson
The Rev. Jim Goss
The Rev. Phyllis Mannoogian
The Rev. Nancy Pennekamp
The Rev. Ari Wolfe
Rebekah Hays Estera
The Rev. Kate Salinaro
The Rev. Margaret Deeths
The Rev. Margaret Mary Staller