
Go For IT…

Alameda Deanery

Grant Request Protocol

Each year the Alameda Deanery distributes grant funds to parishes or nonprofit institutions within the Deanery to support ministries. We fund all accepted and approved requests equally to the extent of our available funds. Our funds are limited, however, and therefore each parish is eligible to receive only one grant per year.

In order to be considered, all grant requests must meet the following conditions.

1) Grant requests must be from a member parish or nonprofit organization located within the Alameda Deanery.

2) Grant requests shall include the following information:

a) How the grantee will use the funds,

b) The person or entity to whom/which we should make out the check, and

c) The address to which we should mail the check. 

3) All grant requests must be submitted by November 1 of each calendar year. No late requests will be considered. Please submit grant requests to the secretary of the Deanery by e-mail to rhenke1114@yahoo.com or by U.S. mail to

Robin Henke

1500 Chestnut Street

Berkeley, CA 94702

4) All grant recipients must provide a brief report on how the grant funds were used and the outcomes achieved by November 1 of the following year. Grantees who do not submit a report will not be considered for future grants. A report may be submitted by U.S. mail or e-mail to the secretary at the addresses given above.

Grant requests will be presented for Deanery approval at the November Convocation, and grantees will receive funds by January 1 of the following year.

Timeline for 2021

November 1, 2021: Reports from 2019 grant recipients and requests for 2021 grants are due to the secretary.*

November 11, 2021: At November Convocation, Deanery representatives vote to approve grant requests.