Executive Council Talking Points


Diocesan Executive Committee Talking Points

Submitted by Bruce Morrow and the Rev. Jon Owens

Our new Canon to the Ordinary Pro-Tempore, the Rev. Debbie Low-Skinner, reported that she is in transition but getting up to speed. Bruce Morrow has stepped up to lead the Assessment Appeals Committee, allowing Debbie to move into her new role.

The current financial status of the Diocese is sound.

The Executive Council has approved the sale of a building @ St. Dorothy's Rest for private residential use, pending final negotiations. The sale will not hinder or interfere with the operation of St. Dorothy's Rest. The Council also approved up to $12,000 to be used for a Reserve Study at St. Dorothy’s Rest to better understand what maintenance might be necessary over the coming years.

The Council received an excellent presentation on next steps related to Bluebird Village, a group of projects including a Church Farm, community building, affordable housing, market-rate housing, and childcare in Brentwood. An in-depth discussion ensued. The next steps in the project were approved.

The Bishop discussed the joy that will come with a return to worship in person. He reminded us that this has been a very long journey and pandemic fatigue is a real issue. He also provided a preview of the convention which is October 22 and 23.

Father Vincent of St. Columba’s provided information on a project to upgrade the bell tower on the newly roofed building. It promises to be a lovely installation and was approved by the Committee.

The Executive Council authorized the members of this year’s Assessment Appeals Committee.

Executive Council

Executive Council Talking Points

Alameda Deanery Representatives

Bruce Morrow (All Souls, Berkeley)

The Rev. Jon Owens (St. John's, Oakland)

1. The Bluebird Project in Brentwood is moving ahead. Please refer to the DioCal website for more detailed information.

2. There is a new Diocesan CFO: Rev. Michele Racusin: https://diocal.org/users/rev-michele-racusin-0

3. The Diocese is searching for a Multicultural Ministry and Community Engagement Officer. A detailed Job Description can be found on the Diocesan website.

4. Alameda Deanery’s universal wifi access resolution: We reminded all deanery delegates to report and help find people to be on our deanery committee based on Dec. resolution.

5. St. Dorothy’s Rest update: St. Dorothy's is in huge financial trouble. The diocese has been helping to restructure St. Dorothy's and help them temporarily financially. The bishop made a few new board appointments to St. Dorothy's directly from the executive council members and will be getting monthly updates on progress at the council.
